Friday, October 14, 2005

A Return to the Kennel

Frank's been absent for a while. Chalk up the lack of blogging to Jewish Holidays and Columbus Day. Which, now that I think about it couldn't have come at a better time. Back to back short weeks have been spectacular, just what the body needed.

Other thoughts from my time away.

Summer Fridays are officially over. We tried to delay it as long as possible, but no longer are we allowed to escape early on Fridays. This came as a disappointment to the Kennel, however, I am happy to report that Winter Fridays start soon after Thanksgiving.

The hiring process is over. The Igloo's replacement has arrived. He seems like a good guy and will be occupying the desk right next to mine. Much to the disappointment of all, we didn't hire the rodeo queen. Personally, by the time hiring came around -- I didn't even know one candidate from the other. I just pitty the fool that takes this job. They have no idea what they are getting into.

However, word on the street is that we will soon have another vacancy in the office. For my money, the more that merrier. And I do say, that the Kennel, not the bossman, but the Kennel has been much easier to tolerate since the Igloo left. Maybe change is good -- it will create a better environment in the office.

I've been dealing with nuts a lot this past week. One notorious wack job, has been calling about an increased police state in her neighborhood. She says the cops constantly ignore her and that they make her life awful. Now, I'm not one that thinks all too highly of Cops -- but this woman is awful, she smells through the telephone and talking to her is a major chore. I get tense in the shoulders the minute she calls.

The animosity between two staff members is through the roof. When ever one isn't in the office (in fairness, she doesn't show up all that often and has never arrived before 11:30 in the morning) The Collar yells things, such as: "Does anyone have the number for Missing Persons?" or "How do I know if someone's been kidnapped?" Sometimes, he gets a little meaner and asks if "Know a guy that will kidnap people?"

The Collar is quite a character, he's generally a good guy, but he pushes the boundaries of Sexual harassment a little bit. He's started to call Rocket "pumpkin" and "sweetie" thankfully, she's handles it very well. I don't know if it is really sexual harassment, he's gay and she's a lesbian so this is no Anita v. Clarence, however nothing is funnier.

As this is a Jewish Holiday Season -- the Collar commented on the "Yamaha on your head." Yes, I'm wearing a keyboard on my head.

-- Frank


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