Friday, October 21, 2005

Riding the Elevator

Somehow in this abyss that is blogging, I lost a post. Needless to say it was by far and away the greatest post ever composed, by anyone that ever dreamt of blogging on the world wide web. I'm devastated -- I know how Portugal felt when they lost Cape Verde.

While I discuss the Kennel often, I rarely go beyond the walls of the office to explore the building and neighborhood around us. I'll give you a quick overview. I work in an awful area that is dominated by fast food restaurants, dirty book/video stores, a methadone clinic (Igloo once asked what methadone was) and little stores that sell umbrellas, I love NY T-shirts, and other poorly made crap.

The building is rather tall and the elevators work sporadically. There are three elevators in the building and often times the number displays (i don't know if that's what you call it) skip floors or randomly display the wrong floor. It is very disconcerting to be riding the elevator and have the floors go from 5 to 2 arbitrarily.

Earlier this week I walked into the building to find a sign posted all over the lobby that said something to extend of "Freight Elevator Operator Chris Abrahimi is no longer an employee at such and such management company he is no longer associated with the building." Well, this caused some stir in the office and we all debated on what may have been the reason for the firing.

Chris routinely got drunk in the freight elevator, you could smell booze on him down the hall. He had tag sales right outside the office building, selling office furniture and anything else he could find. He once offered me a vacuum cleaner for 20 dollars. He brought his little black puppy to the office and let it wander around the halls. On a couple of occasions you could smell grass drifting from the freight elevator. He played incredibly loud reggae throughout the building. Once I witnessed a screaming match between him and someone that worked in the office.

But the straw that broke the camel's back was he owed thousands of dollars to people in the office building. (Voodoo went searching for the gossip and she "Found Otto who gave her the info." I don't know who Otto is, but I guess he's the man with information). Voodoo came back to the kennel and recalled about the time that she lent Chris 20 bucks. "I had to hound that sonofabitch for weeks to get that money back. That brother fucked with the wrong person, you don't get between a person and his money."

So Chris is gone -- Otto's staffing the elevator.


Blogger The OCC said...

If you ask me, Otto definitely ousted Chris so he could take over the elevator himself. I suspect foul play!

12:58 PM  

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