On time and the New York Post
My 8:00 am phone call probably helped. The message I left went something like this (this is all true).
Hey Bossman, Get the Fuck out of bed, It's time to go to work today, we've got to visit a school, I know its early, but your the (insert position here) so get to work.
Later in the day the Alpha Dog asked me to try and reserve a field for his friends to have a bachelor party. No analysis necessary ...
The highlight of my day, however, occurred the when Donald Trump appeared on the cover of the great New York establishment, the New York Post. Donald, a most odious figure, seems to have found a couple of minutes out of bankrupting companies and building irresponsibly to impregnate his wife. (It is amazing to think that the Post used to be a liberal paper and now this has turned into front page news.)
Well the picture of Don on the cover really got our office going. Most people, myself included, remarked about how we hate Donald or hate the Post. However, Voodoo commented that she hopes that the baby doesn't have "asshole lips like its father." I thought that this was some sort of slang insult that I've never known, like "Your mama's got asshole lips" or "The Los Angeles Lakers are bunch of asshole lips" However, it turned out that she really just thinks Donald Trump's lips look like an asshole. I've heard people say that people look like a prune or a rabbit or a mouse or a beachball but I've never, ever heard that someone has lips like an asshole.
If that wasn't enough, Rocket really enjoyed Voodoo's statement and started to sing a made up song that consisted of two words "Rectum Face" She spend a few minutes talking about a rectum face and then returned to work.
Yup, this is an office people, just another day in the life of the kennel.